ethical principles

We will follow the law everywhere.

Even when we are working in complex legal environment, we understand that the ramifications of ignoring the law can be catastrophic not just for the company but for individuals, too. Loss of employment, fines and even imprisonment can all be the result of breaking the law, no matter what intent. We must always follow the law even if it means losing business.

We will embrace diverse perspectives and backgrounds, and treat all people with dignity and respect.

At C&G, we strive to be inclusive and the diversity of our employees and other stakeholders makes us stronger. We value unique talents and diverse ideas and forbid discrimination, harassment and retaliation and strive to provide equal and fair opportunity for all irrespective of race, color, origin, disability, sexual affiliation, age or other status protected by applicable law. Our treatment of each other strictly prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment.

We will compete fairly and honestly. Our goal is to win business and provide value to our stakeholders.

We compete aggressively but within the rules. We get business because of the quality of our products, services and people. We do not use confidential information of others to gain improper advantage, we do not compromise our integrity and we do not bribe any one for any reason.

We will avoid conflicts of interest.

As employees we must focus on what is best for our stakeholders and manage potential conflicts so that our personal and family interests do not interfere with our business dealings. We must avoid improper relationships with suppliers and other third parties – do not accept favors, gifts or other gratuities from suppliers or consumers in exchange for their favourable treatment.

We will demand that everything we do leads to a cleaner, healthier environment.

As our regional reach grows, so does our responsibility to ensure our actions reflect a commitment to the environment and to the safety and well-being of our employees. This is by ensuring clean and safe workplaces, following the laws and regulations regarding safety, ensuring safe, safe and efficient products and operations

We will protect our technology, our information and intellectual  property.

Our technology and knowledge gives C&G a competitive advantage. All employees are responsible for safeguarding the company’s confidential information. We should not attempt to access information beyond the scope of our work. Confidential information should not be stored in non-C&G locations, and our computers must only be used for company business. we must also ensure that company documents are properly maintained or disposed under our document management policy.

We will demand that our financial records are accurate and that our reporting processes are clear and understandable.

C&G is committed to transparency in its financial reports. We co-operate fully with the auditors and under no circumstances withhold information from them. We maintain a robust system of financial controls and processes to ensure accuracy and timeliness of our financial reporting, this is critical to our credibility. We will not tolerate fraud or false or misleading entries or statements in our financial reports or in any other books or records of the company. Common fraud schemes include: personal use of company credit cards, incorrect expense claims, time reporting abuse, purchase order abuse among others.

We will strive to improve our communities.

At C&G we are committed to corporate social responsibility – serving and mproving the communities in which we live. This does not only mean making ethical business decisions, but affirmatively reaching out to our communities and engaging our workforce to solve community problems. We look at three areas – Health, Education and Environment.

We will communicate honestly and with integrity.

C&G has a responsibility to be honest and accurate in our communications to employees and the public. No employee should knowingly make a false or misleading statement to the media, government officials or public agencies in a public forum. At C&G, we produce timely flow of information throughout the organization and create consistent  messages through appropriate individuals. Only authorised individuals should speak to the media, or any other agency on behalf of the company on social media. All media ns sensitive customer should be directed to the leader of Corporate Communications.

We will create a culture where all employees take responsibility for ethical behavior.

Employees are encouraged to speak up if they have any concerns. C&G has a non-retalliation policy that protects employees who raise concerns in good faith. If you are aware of any conduct that is unethical or inappropriate, you have an obligation to speak up – bring the issue to your supervisor, speak to the Human Resources, or report concerns either online or by telephone

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