Car & General has established its own Lions Club, Lions Club of Cargen. David Chesoni is the Club’s first President while Raphael Atanda and Carol Omanjo the Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Lions Club International is the largest service organization in the world with more than 1.4m people in over 200 countries who believe in serving the community. Over the last 100 years, the Lions Club unites its global service in five areas that present significant challenges to humanity – diabetes, vision, hunger, environment and childhood cancer. Lions Club of Cargen joins over 48,000 Lions clubs globally.
‘Car & General will focus part of its corporate social responsibility programs through the Lions Club of Cargen’, said David Chesoni, ‘Members of the Car & General family will be able to offer service to the less fortunate in the society. At the same time, Lions brings together people of different backgrounds to work together on projects that serve the community and the world.”